Mijn moodboards
transparnt kantoor
Casper Schwarz Architects

Infinity Amsterdam

When Casper Schwarz Architects was requested to design an interior design for the three top floors of the Infinity Building in Amsterdam (the former ING-house), our design team thought of only one thing: to create a “new type of classic”

Casper Schwarz Architects

Meer over Infinity Amsterdam

We aimed for new values in refinement and detailing to form a timeless piece. The anonymous tenant had a mix in mind of representative meeting areas, functional work zones and “out of the box, lively and urban style” break out spaces. Both the technical underlayer of the company its business model and the human aspects of this international organization asks for a balanced overall concept in which everyone can excel and enjoy. The interior is a refined composition of natural stones, glass elements, excessive artworks, raw wood, acoustic fabrics, and stainless steel, perfecting the ‘technical architecture’ of the Infinity Building by MVSA. We believe we have done justice to the status of this premises, and to its brief history by creating an interior that stands out from the mainstream and sets its own standards.

Meer over Casper Schwarz Architects

kantoor met grote ramen
luxe kantoorwerkpled
design lampen
luxe bedrijfsrestaurant
grote glazen hal
vergaderruimte met kunst
luxe spreekkamer
Casper Schwarz Architects
Contactgegevens Casper Schwarz Architects
Adresgegevens Gietijzerstraat 18 3534AV Utrecht NL
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