Mijn moodboards
Architect - Interior



An architectural project is worked out while answering a multitude of constraints, it acts to create an environment favourable for human activity. We all know that we do not only live thanks to some protéïnes which enable us to function : the quality of our life, the force of our memories, the importance of our interpersonal exchanges, the reading of the environment, all these moments wake up in us emotions.

The Workshop

A creative cross-pollination in the team reflects concepts that arise from a practice of intuitive observation and generosity of approach. Our studio is dedicated to creating a dynamic workplace where several artisans are working together. Our 38 years of experience allow us to work in several fields such as residences, office and commercial buildings, as well as museums and galleries.

Experience Abroad

We have realized constructions in the following countries : Belgium, Caribbean, Germany, Greece, France, Great-Britain, Italy, Maroc, The Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, United States.

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Locatie Kraainem, Belgium Avenue Baron Albert d'Huart 331 1950 Kraainem, Belgium België
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