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CASTOR FIBER architecture studio

CASTOR FIBER architecture studio was established in 2012 but already founded in 2004 as firm named [maartendekoninckarchitect]. We provide a large portfolio in newly built constructions, renovation projects and furniture design. Experience has led us to be a stable partner in your construction plans.

Before we start the design, we make a thorough analysis of the lifestyles of the customers. Together with his wish list creates a flow design, a theoretical concept . By moving away from shapes and colors, customers are required to think on a different level on their project. This ensures a workable accommodation that meets the needs of the customers. This also clears the way for the start of the creative process. The game can begin … a beautiful quest for the ideal design . The design phase is not limited , we work to your satisfaction.

Working in the cloud permit us to share our document with our clients. Every time on every place you’ll be able to check the status of your project. A close interaction between our company and you will lead us to a successful project.

We work with an open list of “approved” suppliers, which allows us to deliver quality during construction. The customer gets a clear overview of the status of tenders . Contractors also have access to the cloud. All plans and bills of quantities are digitally retrievable. The office is so immediately connected to the construction site.

“Good design can compete the time, nothing less is our goal.”

Architecture is not a collage of trends and what fun ideas. Through a clever concept transcends good design time and space. Good architecture has nothing to do with makeup artists , but all with light , visibility, space , seasons , experience, … but is surprisingly readable , sometimes fun, sometimes serious … successful architecture embraces its residents and completes them . We are only redeemed from our task as these objectives have been achieved. We are looking for customers who are willing work with us to make that way , maybe you ?

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CASTOR FIBER exclusieve keuken
Locatie Halle Brouwerijstraat 49 1500 Halle België
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CASTOR FIBER minimalistische badkamer
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